
Monday, January 27, 2014

A Case of the Mondays

Ugh Monday you wretched animal. I understand that dreading Mondays is pretty much a universal emotion - but something about this Monday is really bringing me down. The beautiful snow storm we had on Sunday just annoyed me on Monday morning (likely because getting children dressed for snow is a lot like putting clothes back on a drunk college student that's torn them off in a fit of beligerence). It could also be that I spent Sunday curled up between a bed and/or couch watching the snow whilst snug indoors. 

Regardless of reasoning - I'm ready for Tuesday. I'm trying to stay positive and look forward to planning future vacations and visits from friends State-side. Looking back on the fun I had this weekend (despite crippling tequila hangovers, oops) and the terrific friends and boyfriend I have that brighten my day always, is helping me to look past the harsh words from 4 year-olds an passive agression from host mothers. 

I can't take it too seriously, it's only life. :)
Here's a peek of life lately according to what's survived on my iphone. 

^these monkeys learned how to ski last week.^
^made some bomb fresh fruit smoothies last week courtesy of Spain, Italy and Morocco's produce.^
^I had a surprising amount of productive alone time last week.^
^photos don't do mornings here justice, but there's something serene about the early day twilight.^

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